My Dog Has Fleas — Clawhammer Tablature

This is an original song I wrote back in 2001. I kept hearing references to ukulele tuning sounding like “My Dog Has Fleas,” but I couldn’t find anything that actually sounded like that, so I decided to write it myself. The first four notes of the melody are G-C-E-A, just like standard ukulele tuning. I’m playing clawhammer style on the video, but it can be strummed or picked in many ways (4/4 time). The tune is easy to sing and play.

I’m including two tablatures. The first one that contains the way I played it on the video with drop thumb accompaniment on the singing parts, then the lead break that I played between verses. The second tablature is for beginners and just contains a simple strum on each beat. This should be helpful if you’re just learning to play.

If you need help understanding the tablature, be sure to watch my video on How to Read Tablature.
